„The Presidential Library“
The Library reflects both the presidents background as well as the presidency; a president that on one hand introduced patient protection and affordable medical care, and on the other hand is delivering weapons to syria. A rather controversial presidency, which in this project is formally expressed as following: when orthogonality meets the curve.
Location-wise, the area is the incarnation of the subjects background. Affected by low average income, high criminality and high infant mortalitiy, chicago‘s 5th ave & kostner‘s 105 000m² big area and surrounded by empty buildings as well as empty lots, shows potential for urban expansion.
The orthogonal blocks are an extension of the surrounding solids which affected by different scales, juxtaposition and agglomeration generate program such as cafe‘s, restaurants, stores and services surrounding the presidential library. The extension of such solids fragment towards the library, where its degree works as indicator for the level of privacy. Open/ semi-open and closed spaces are a continuous dialogue between curvilinear and orthogonal separational elements generating ideal degrees of privacy for spaces such as the enclosed archives or the open hall.